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Surviving without Nikolina Flora

Beeing back at work is sometimes hard, because I miss Nikolina so darn much. Enter my sweet hubbie on maternity leave - they skype me every now and then and make my longing so much more tolerable


A permanent rainbow

I want to see the new installation by Olafur Eliasson. It´s a rainbow panorama on the top of Aros Art Museum in Aarhus. Olafur explains":...I have created a space which virtually erases the boundaries between inside and outside – where people become a little uncertain as to whether they have stepped into a work or into part of the museum"


Paper twirling

In one of my Martha Stewart magazines there was a spread illustrating SPRING only using paper twirls all in green hues. It was just so beautiful, but I can´t find the issue to show you - sorry! Anywho I´m so loving paper twirling and russian born Yulia Brodskaya has truly mastered the art form


Epitome of beautiful new hardbacks

I´m inspired and in awe of the mega talented Coralie Bickford-Smith. Her work speaks for itself and I want all her hardbacks on my shelfs, because of the literature and the share beauty!


Copenhagen Marathon 11

Nikolina and I cheered on the many participants at this years Copenhagen Marathon - we evan brought along the faroese flag Merkið. However Nikolina wasn't really in a cheering mood, more like a grumpy/sleepy mood. I'm not the running kind... there should be a piletes marathon - i'd so sign up for that!


Picture Perfect

I'm back at work and Kristjan is at home with Nikolina. It's a hard knock life! Above some pictures of pictures. My father in law sent me a laminated picture of Nikolina and I - such a sweet thing to do.


Ragnhild Mittelstein

On a sad note - my childhood friend Rannvá´s mother Ragnhild died wednesday night.
Long live her memory



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