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Nesting Weekend

This weekend has not been that warm, so I´we had lots of energy to do weekend chores and nesting. My homemade butterfly mobil just needs assembling and I made some whales (big part of Faroese culture) to stick on the changing table. We are almost ready for a baby...well as ready as one can be :o)

Anonym –   – (20 juli, 2010)  

When are you due? I only have two weeks, and I can't wait!

Svanna  – (20 juli, 2010)  

I have five days to go and as you can´t wait! That blueberry pie sure looks scrumptious :p
Good luck to you - hope everything goes smoothly :o)

Katrine  – (21 juli, 2010)  

Oh, det er hyggeligt, ikke? :)
Hvalerne er bare SÅ fine! Og jeg er sikker på de vil vække begejstring hos berlineren. Olivia er helt vild med sort/hvide kontraster...

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