>> tirsdag den 9. februar 2010 –
bon appetit
Sugar shock

Home in the Faroe Islands everyone eats and is accustomed to the sweet taste of Cadbury. The English soldiers brought with them the deliciousness during their Second World War occupancy of the islands. Buying sweets in Denmark is just not fun at all, there is one shop in Copenhagen that sells the brand and it´s an expensive treat (a Boost is like 3$) All this chocolate talk makes me crave a Boost right now with a glass of milk.....
I check in with your blog occasionally, and I'm so happy for you! It's funny because we got married (and were planning weddings) at around the same time, and I'm also pregnant, and due one week after my wedding anniversary! Crazy! Well, congratulations!
Ahhhhhhhhhh...hvor hyggeligt...Little Berliner...hihi Tillykke tillykke ;)
Jennifer I´ll be following you and your pregnancy :o) I find it crazy and delightful that we seem to be on a path at the same time :o)
Tak for din lykkeønske Fruenswerk ;-)